Benefits of online learning activities for teachers and students : GettyRecipes

Order of the Western Java education calendar during the new normal period

Currently, the world is facing a crisis due to the spread of the deadly virus that has made the control of the West Java education calendar a small change;the reason the government prohibits residents from leaving their homes so they cannot be affected by the virus, calling for continued school activities during the outbreak is still considered dangerous.

So, changes in the learning system are determined by the Education Office and this applies to all educational institutions and educational institutions in Indonesia. From what used to be the first page, students and teachers now have to start learning online using applications to continue learning even if they have to force both parties to use gadgets.

Of course, it was initially welcomed by parents because learning can continue during this difficult time. For java and surroundingthings,  local governments must follow the regulations set by the Education Office;With this decision, the West Java education calendar has certainly changed.

If you look deeper, the change in regulation is increasingly long and longer to make students bored because of the job that gives it passive and difficult to get learning materials according to the curriculum. Students just get some content, but up to that stage take a short time without a definitive explanation because online activity can’t always be effective at providing learning.

Education and government offices try to support learning

Because online activity is considered difficult to carry out, the government and Western governor Java Ridwan Kamil and ultimately several special tyrannical workers have tried to provide several assistance programs to support the learning process. But you consider it easy because the program does not affect the Western Java education calendar so that learning activities can continue.

Aid programs to support education in western Java include the contribution of monthly students (IBPD), one stop integrated school, West Java Masagi, economically disadvantaged families (KETM), Universal Secondary Education Assistance (BPMU), as well as the restoration of vocational high schools and multiple scholarships from the West Java Education Office.

Of course, this is good news because government activities want to support learning activities during the outbreak of the infected virus. Unfortunately, the project is only valid during the Western Java Education Calendar of 2020/2021 during the early semester so that the project ended in December 2020 yesterday.

But you don’t have to worry, even if there is no funding in 2021, you are still helped by the government, especially the West Java regional government, which is trying to reduce the cost of schooling. Furthermore, the government is also running the KIP and Dana Bos programs to support the current normal learning process.

Learning activity adjustments for West Java education calendar

Currently, the learning activities of all agencies and educational institutions also use online methods so that learning activities must still be carried out. While many parents are unhappy, this is certainly one of the government’s concerns that keep their citizens safe and do not avoid attacks from infectious diseases.

Furthermore, after learning activities began using the online method, many students are now saved from the attack of the infected virus. Since the start of the second semester of the West Java education calendar on January 11, 2021 yesterday, many students have begun learning how to learn online so that the previous issues have been addressed a little.

Later, students will continue to apply this learning method until the situation is completely safe and there is certainly no danger of risking contact when starting face-to-face encounters. However, the Education Office is still trying to change the curriculum to suit the inappropriate online learning methods in the first place because it used to be confronted.

Until now, new work has started to provide, such as making an exercise video or practice so that students can continue actively active even if they use online learning methods. Over time, the second semester of the West Java education calendar will be completed on June 25, 2021, with a way of distributing the report card like the previous semester.

Government asks for cooperation of all parties to support learning

With the current new normal period, learning activities have become more directed and focused on creating learning convenience for everyone more involved. Whether parents, teachers or students, the Department of Education and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud) continue to strive for the best for the next generation.

Even as time went on, the online learning system began to be recognized by all circles of society. From kindergarten to higher education lecture activities, the online system has been used as the most effective method of learning to maintain the health of everyone, whether from the attack of a dangerous virus or other problem.

In addition, there are currently several green zones in Western Java that allow students to go to school. But it’s also worth noting that everyone has to follow practical protocols so that some problems don’t arise. The West Java education calendar will also take several steps by following some local governments can adjust the situation.

Green zones in the sense of being one of the areas with low levels of transmission of the virus so that it is safe for a while for the community. However, the West Java regional government is still tightening up encouraging people to follow applicable rules. Otherwise, there is a penalty for not complying with applicable rules.

Benefits of online learning activities for teachers and students

As we know, online learning is the most effective way for now to avoid infectious viral diseases. In addition to the normal learning activities that follow the Western Java academic calendar, teachers also have to adapt to new curriculum content from the Education Office so that they can be more relaxed when teaching.

Since this is new to most people in Indonesia, of course, at the beginning it will be very difficult to learn because of a lack of experience in some sectors. However, over time, the West Java regional government believes that all the workers and human powers at work will be able to get through this difficult time together.

The West Java Education Calendar is a real reference for teachers and teachers to put their best efforts within a set period of time; this will no doubt continue to be driven by the government so that the Indonesian people learn a new learning system and patterns to face a new normal period.

You as a teacher can continue to make the best efforts to support students to continue growing in the midst of this bad condition. Don’t regret it and keep trying so you can welcome a good day ahead. Education will always be important to meet the demands of future generations.

The government will also continue to try to provide the best efforts from bos and KIP funds so that all children can enjoy better learning. Not only western Java, but every province in Indonesia has also experienced the same thing and continues to fight. Guided by the West Java education calendar, we can continue to move towards improving the success of younger generations.

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